Guadalquivir cruise in Seville

Guadalquivir cruise in Seville

Among Seville attractions there is certainly the Guadalquivir, the river that crosses the city and on whose banks stands the Torre dell'Oro and Calle Betis, belonging to the Triana neighborhood. Surely, among the things to do in Seville there is the cruise on the Guadalquivir, a quick way to access some attractions with little time available!

Guadalquivir Cruise Ticket

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Walk and mini cruise on the Guadalquivir

With little time to choose what to see in Seville it is very difficult, for this reason it is possible to speed up the times through one alternative visit by boat that sails along the Guadalquivir river. From our point of view it can be an interesting and alternative experience that will allow you, at the cost of a few euros, to see parts of the city that otherwise you would not be able to see due to lack of time.

What you can see with a cruise on the Guadalquivir

The mini cruise on the Guadalquivir river it is definitely an interesting experience to do, you can admire all the main monuments from a different point of view: from inside a boat!

With this cruise you will sail along the Rio along the Triana district and observe the Cartuja Monastery and the caves ofIsla della Cartuja, where Christopher Columbus planned his entire journey to discover AmericaDefinitely an interesting experience.

Sure, don't expect to get in Spain Square because that is a must see, absolutely, if you happen to Seville! It is a mini cruise, lasting about 30 minutes and quite comprehensive.

The cost of the Guadalquivir cruise

How much does a cruise on the Guadalquivir cost? It is not very expensive, the offline price is 16 euros, but you will have to queue to buy your ticket and then wait your turn to be able to get into the boat, I recommend paying 1 € more to buy it directly online and thus avoiding the queue. You can buy it here: Guadalquivir Cruise Ticket.

Guadalquivir Cruise Ticket

Is worth?

We must say that many are happy with their cruise on the Guadalquivir, however it is good to remember that you will only be able to see part of the monuments (those that line the river) but with limited time it could be the only solution to be able to enjoy things that otherwise you would not be able to see, such as the Isla della Cartuja, or the Pelli e tower look at the Triana bridge from another point of view.

Where does the boat for the Guadalquivir cruise leave from

The boat to the cruise on the Guadalquivir starts from Torre dell'Oro, you can get there with the Seville metro descending at Puerta Jerez and walking a few meters to reach the starting point. Here's how to get there:

Guadalquivir Cruise Ticket
  • Guadalquivir cruise

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