How to get to Seville by train

How to get to Seville by train

How to get to Sevilla by Train? We have already seen which are the main ones flights to Seville, but is it possible to reach the capital of Andalusia by train? The city is well connected by high-speed trains, there are over 14 trains a day to Madrid with a journey time of approximately 2 hours and 40 minutes. However Seville is not only accessible from Madrid, but also from Barcelona, ​​Cadiz, Malaga, Cordoba, Granada, Merida, Jaen and many other places.

The connections are made through AVE or through slower and cheaper services that take the name of "Avant". But let's see in detail the travel times from the main Spanish cities.

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Reach Seville by train from the main Spanish cities

As we have already said, if you are in Spain and you want reach Seville on the train then you can do it from many cities, obviously if you are in Andalucia the travel time will be shorter and will allow you to see more things and avoid long hours by train. However, let's see the various solutions in detail:

From Barcelona to Seville: distance and time

If you want to reach Seville from Barcelona the journey time is quite long, it is about 6 hours as you will have to stop in Madrid. In this case it is preferable to opt for an Iberia, Vueling or even Ryanair flight, certainly cheaper and shorter (about 1h and 30 minutes).

From Madrid to Seville by Train: distance and time

The advantage of Madrid is that it is well connected with the city of Seville thanks to high speed, also called AVE. The travel time is about 2h and 40 minutes, the ticket price is around 30 euros, but you will be in the center of Seville in the blink of an eye.

Distance Cordoba - Seville by Train

If you are in Cordoba and have a few more days for visit Seville, then you have several solutions available but the most comfortable is undoubtedly the train. Via Avant or AVE you can reach the Andalusian capital in less than an hour. The price of the Avant is about 13 euros, while the price of the AVE is about 20 euros.

Distance Granada - Seville by Train and Seville - Granada

Reach Seville by train from Granada it is not very difficult, in fact there is a fast connection that allows you to be in the city in 3h in order to also see the wonders of the Andalusian capital. The ticket price is around 30 euros, not terribly if you have a few days and enjoy them narrow streets of Seville and the Plaza de España.

Distance Malaga Seville by Train

The distance between Malaga and Seville is not that great, by train it is easily accessible thanks to the Spanish high-speed trains. It takes about 2h and 30 minutes of travel, the cost of the ticket is by no means excessive: 24 euro. 

From Cadiz to Seville by train

Reach Seville from Cadiz by train it is very simple, the travel time is about 1 hour and 37 minutes and the ticket price is by no means excessive. In fact, there are some special trains that run along the route and have a cost of 16 euros. Definitely a great and super cheap solution.

From Jaen to Seville by train

If you want to go to Seville from Jaen, the travel time is longer than that of Madrid because the high speed is not served properly. However, the train time will be 3 hours and the cost of the ticket will be around 28 euros and 10 cents.

Jerez de La frontera - Seville by Train

From Jerez de La Frontera it is possible to reach the capital of the province of Seville with a train that lasts from 1 hour to 1 hour and 45 minutes. The cost of the ticket is not excessive: 11 euros for the Medium Distance train ticket, or with ALVIA about € 25,90.

Huelva Seville by Train

Also from Huelva you can reach Seville by train, the ticket price is 12 euros and the duration of the journey is approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes. If you have a few days to spare, don't miss the beautiful Andalusian capital.

These are the main ways to achieve Seville by train, as you can see, the solutions are many and always in the center, from the same position you can then take the bus to the airport. If you have any particular questions or requests you can leave a comment, I will gladly answer you.

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